We welcome you to the official site of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city.
Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city is the research organization subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation.
The Research Station of RAS engages 57 scientific workers, including 26 researchers, 2 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences among them. The overall staff amounts 133 employees.
720049, Kyrgyzstan.
Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.
Phone: +996 (312) 613-140
Fax: +996 (312) 611-459
On 18 of November, 2015, Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations of the Russian Federation issued the Order № 915 “On appointment of Rybin A.K. as a Director of the Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city”
The Order №195 says: “To appoint Rybin Anatoly Kuzmich as a Director of the Federal State Budget Institution of Science Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city for the term of 5 years.”
Last Updated on Thursday, 10 December 2015 12:46
On 29-30 of November, 2015, the First International Magnetotelluric (electromagnetic) School took place.
By tradition spanning many years the First International Magnetotelluric School took place on the territory of Research Station RAS in Bishkek (RS RAS). The participants of this scientific event (57 researchers and students) not only heard a course of lections on basic principles of magnitotelluric sounding technique (MTS), its opportunities and practice, but performed the field experiments. Young scientists, postgraduates and students of high education institutions took an opportunity of Phoenix station’s measuring unit installation and registration of electromagnetic field signals. Within the framework of School there was the exhibition of apparatus and equipment necessary for field research, including the original ones developed by RS RAS specialists. For the participants of School the information booklet was prepared where the basic principles of MTS method and stages of its progress were described as well as most important activity results of the Laboratory of Deep Magnetotelluric Studies (LDMS). Booklet also contains the collection of LDMS staff publications and the MTS founders (CD).
School was opened by the Director of FSBIS Research Station RAS in Bishkek, Dr. of Science in Physics and Mathematics Anatoly Rybin. In his speech he welcomed all participants and mentioned that this scientific event at Research Station opened new site for young scientists, postgraduates and students where they can get principally new knowledges, built plans for future and, probably, tie their future professional activity with RS RAS research. After opening session School continued its work according to the Program. In the work of workshop Dr. of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics Anatoly Rybin, Dr. of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Prof. of the Moscow State University Pavel Aleksandrov, Dr. of Science in Geology and Mineralogy Vladislav Batalev and other leading specialists in the field of magnetotelluric research took part.
The Second International Magnetotelluric School will be held in October 2018.
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 November 2015 14:06
Dear colleagues!
The Organizing Committee of the INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS of Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in XVII Ural Young Scientists Study on Geophysics which takes place on 21 – 26 of March, 2016, in Ekaterinburg.
Students, postgraduates and young scientists before 35, are welcomed.
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Scientific Secretary of the Research Station RAS
Elena Bataleva
On the 12th of September, 2015, the meeting of Committee of Plenipotentiaries of Governments of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic was held on the basis of International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground (IRC – GPG).
At the meeting the Kyrgyz Republic was represented by Bekboev A.Z. – Plenipotentiary Representative of Government KR, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Bakirov A.B. – Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative, Academician, and Juraev A.M. – Head of Department of Science and Scientific and Technical Information of the Ministry of Education and Science KR.
Russian Federation was represented by Klimov A.A. - Plenipotentiary Representative of RF Government, Deputy Minister of education and science, Lopatin A.V. – Deputy Head of the Federal Agency of Science Organizations.
Executive Director of IRC-GPG Rybin A.K., Deputy Executive Director of IRC-GPG Schelochkov G.G. and Academic Secretary of IRC – GPG Bragin V.D. represented International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground.
The agenda of Plenipotentiary Representatives meeting was as follow:
1.About the Head of the Committee of Plenipotentiary representatives election.
2.Report of IRC – GPG Executive Director about activity in the period between the meetings of the Committee of Plenipotentiary representatives (from May 2013 to September 2015).
3.About the plans of IRC – GPG activity for the years 2015 – 2016.
4.Approval of the draft Scientific Program of IRC – GPG Scientific Program “Geodynamics and Eco-geology Problems of High-Mountain Tien Shan (2015-2020)”
5.About the holding of next Plenipotentiary Representatives Committee meeting.
From the points of agenda considered at the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives the following decisions were approved:
1.About the election of a Chairman of the Committee of Plenipotentiary representatives.
According to article 8 of the Agreement between the Governments of Russian Federation and Kyrgyz Republic about the establishment of International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek city there was agreed to elect as a Chairman for next period the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in IRC – GPG Adilet Bekboev – Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
2.Report of IRC – GPG Executive Director about activity in the period between the meetings of the Committee of Plenipotentiary representatives (from May 2013 to September 2015) – to approve the Report of IRC – GPG Executive Director Anatoly Rybin about the activity in period between the meetings of the Committee of Plenipotentiary representatives (from May 2013 to September 2015).
3.About the plans of IRC – GPG activity for the years 2015 – 2016.
The Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives gave a hearing to the Report of Executive Director of IRC – GPG Anatoly Rybin decided to approve Plan of activity of IRC – GPG for the period of years 2015-2016.
The Committee recommended making provision for:
1.The periodic publishing of IRC – GPG works;
2.Leading IRC – GPG scientists participation in research staff training for the Kyrgyz Republic;
3.Wide presentation of IRC – GPG activity in mass media
The Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives gave a hearing to information of Executive Director of IRC – GPG Anatoly Rybin and decided to approve improved Scientific Program of IRC – GPG Scientific Program “Geodynamics and Eco-geology Problems of High-Mountain Tien Shan (2015-2020)”. The Committee also agreed to introduce, as appropriate, alterations in Scientific Program IRC-GPG in course of next Committee meetings.
5. About the holding of next Plenipotentiary Representatives Committee meeting it was agreed to hold next Committee meeting at October, 2016, in Moscow, Russian Federation.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 November 2015 14:38
On October 28, 2015, the General meeting of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Research Station of Russian Academy of Sciences (RS RAS) in Bishkek city took place. By the day of election the RS RAS payroll amounts to 160 persons. 130 persons took part in the General meeting including two Representatives of RS RAS in Russian Federation (Moscow city) which voted by the means of INTERNET communication service SKYPE. The Candidate of Geology and Minerology Elena Bataleva was elected as the Chairman of the meeting, and Ekaterina Lazareva was the Secretary.
Elena Bataleva reported the information on nominees for the RS RAS Director post.
The election of Director of Research Station was on the agenda.
Thus, there were two nominees by order № 324 from the October 15, 2015, of the Federal Agency of Research Organizations:
Candidates to the post presented their Programs of RS RAS Development.
For election 130 bulletins were issued including two bulletins sent by email to staff members of RS RAS Representative office in Russian Federation, Moscow city.
As a result of secret voting 12 persons voted for Pavel Aleksandrov and 117 voted for Anatoly Rybin.
Protocol №1 of Election Commission was adopted unanimously by open voting.
As a result of voting all attendees of General meeting agreed to elect Anatoly Rybin for the post of Director of Research Station RAS in Bishkek.
Last Updated on Thursday, 12 November 2015 14:21
Memorandum about scientific and technical collaboration between International Research Center – Geodynamic Proving Ground In Bishkek (IRC-GP), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science - Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) within the framework of international project ”The study of movement of the Earth's crust surface on the territory of Central Tien Shan and Kazakh platform” (“Geodynamics of the Tien Shan”) have been sent to UNAVCO for prolongation on 17th August 2015. Supposed term of Agreement is: January 2016 – December 2025.
This Memorandum is the continuation of an Agreement about Scientific and technical collaboration between Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science - Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) and U.S. Universities, within the international Project ”Geodynamics of Intracontinental Mountain Building in the Tien Shan, Central Asia” (1997-2000) and the Memorandum about Scientific and Technical collaboration, prolonging the Agreement for 2006-2015.
The goal of the Project is the pooling of scientific and technical potential for the realization of scientific geodynamic researches on the territory of the Central Asia region. The study of modern movements by methods of space geodesy and comparison with the geological data, data of deep electromagnetic sounding and seismological data will be provided within the framework of the Project. Professor Bradford H. Hager (MIT) and Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Anatoly K. Rybin (RS RAS) are proposed as Scientific Leaders of the Project.
Secondary purpose of Memorandum is necessity of compliance with the Customs requirements.
RS RAS is responsible for 9 GPS stations now. POL2 is Global GPS Network (GGN) station. CHUM is International GNSS Service (IGS) station. Other 7 stations have lower significance level. High data quality is provided owing to cooperation between UNAVCO and RS RAS specialists.
Last Updated on Thursday, 12 November 2015 08:53
From September 11,
At Issyk-Ata station the system of observations is similar to above but has another type of DAS.
On the first of July 2014 both stations were upgraded: electrodes have been changed, the receiver dipoles were lengthened and monocomponent vertical seismometers were installed.
As a result of natural electric field monitoring there was collected the data base comprising observations from 11.11.2011 till current moment which includes:
1.For Shavai station – 50 GB data in binary format and 750 GB of data converted in ASCII text format. Data is presented in the form of one-hour files (size of 25 MB) which comprises 100 Hz records with 3 measuring channels.
2.For Issyk-Ata station – 30 GB data in binary format and 100 GB of data converted in ASCII text format. Data is presented in the form of one-day files (size of 90-270 MB) which comprises 20 Hz and 4- Hz records with 4 and 6 measuring channels.
To analyze and compare the data obtained at above described stations we use the data of closest to points of observations KNET stations (Kyrgyz Network of seismic stations) and the data of operational electromagnetic and geomagnetic observations of Research Station RAN in Bishkek city.
Sampling frequencies of 40 Hz and 100 Hz corresponded to “B” and “H” channels of KNET seismic stations and were selected to simplify joint analyses of natural electric and seismic fields. Vertical seismometers were installed in 2014, what allows precise determination of seismic wave arrival directly at the station of electromagnetic observations.
In November,
As agreed by the RS RAS and EMSEV the work conference devoted to contemporary state of electromagnetic investigations is to be held every year in
In April, 2014, the First work conference took place in
In April 2015 the Second work conference came around in Athens (Greece). The participants from Japan, Greece, France, China and Russia discussed the electromagnetic observation results obtained in preceding year. Ekaterina Vorontsova presented the results of analysis of data obtained.
RS RAS researchers elaborated and presented two reports in a course of 26 IUGG General Assembly which was held on June 2015 in Prague (Czech Republic):
During the conference in Athens it was agreed to hold next conference on electromagnetic phenomena connected with seismic and volcanoes activity in lanzhou (China) on August 25 – 29, 2016.
Last Updated on Friday, 09 October 2015 11:54
For the period 14 - 27 September, 2015, within the framework of complex expeditionary project RFBR № 15-05-10138к (Project Manager – Anatoly Rybin) and for solving of research problems within the RFBR initiative subsidy №15-05-06857а (Project Manager – Naila Sycheva) there had been carried out the field works to collect the information on geological indicators of paleo stresses in the areas of transition from folded mountain structures to intermountain depressions in the Tian-Shan area. While passing along 12 field routes there had been investigated 4 global sites, where structural and cinematic information on tectonic joints and minor faults movements onto surface were collected.
The data were collected in the territory of Research Station, near the complex geophysical mini proving ground “Kentor” and along the Valley of Alamedin River (6 points of survey). On the walls of Kochkor and Issyk-Kul intermountain depressions the data necessary for the reconstructions of local paleo stressing conditions were obtained. Within the Kochkor Valley the measurements on its eastern end and southern wall (entirely 11 points of survey) were conducted.
There we succeeded in determination of stressing conditions in Miocene deposits. Reconstruction of stressed conditions made in this point can be associated with contemporary phase of region deformation. On the southern coast of Issyk-Kul depression we carried out the comprehensive investigations of fold structure in Mesozoic deposits (7 points of survey).
Last Updated on Friday, 09 October 2015 11:56
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