

720049, Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek-49, Research Station RAS.

Phone: +996 (312) 613-140

Fax: +996 (312) 611-459


Рыбин Анатолий Кузьмич

Anatoly Kuzmich Rybin

Doctor of Science

in Physics and Mathematics

e-mail: [email protected]

RS RAS and IS NAS KR scientific collaboration

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  The cooperation between the RS RAS and the Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (IS NAS KR) continues in the field of seismological research.

  The employees of the Institute of Seismology carried out field seismological research in the Jalal-Abad region in accordance with two agreements from January 8th to May 21t, 2021. The Group of New Technologies Introduction has prepared and delivered three sets of RT130-01 seismic stations with STS-2 seismic sensors. The software and methodological documents for conducting research were also handed over.


  From June 14 to June 16, after a two-year break (due to the closure of land borders), the workmen of the new equipment introduction group carried out repair and maintenance work at three RS facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan: SUMK-GPS station, USP-KNET station and CHUM repeater\station. The software was updated and the power system was repaired (replacement of batteries and charge controller).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 June 2022 14:54


Geomagnetic observations in the Northern Tien Shan territory

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Staff of the Laboratory of complex studies of geodynamic processes in geophysical fields (LCS) completed the stage of debugging of Overhauser magnetometer POS-1 in the mode of variation station in the mountain meteorological conditions together with the proton magnetometer MV-07. The equipment is located at the Ak-Suu stationary observation station (Northern Tien Shan), which is one of the base stations of geomagnetic observation network carried out by the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


As a result of the experiment, more stable operation of the POS-1 magnetometer at low sampling frequencies and less susceptibility to electromagnetic interference of various nature were confirmed. It is planned to transfer the magnetometer into a continuous monitoring mode with data transfer in an online format.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 June 2022 13:06


Scientific and technical excursions for students and young scientists

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  On April 29, 2022, within the framework of the XIV International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Techniques and Technologies in Scientific Research" (Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan), the main goal of which is to increase the level of scientific research, expand the scientific horizons of young scientists and students, the integration of science and education, the development of creative activity of scientific youth - a number of scientific and technical excursions were held, involving the familiarization of participants with the main areas of scientific research conducted at the at the Research Station of RAS.

  The excursion program was opened by a geological and mineralogical exhibition (the head of the exhibition is the Researcher Vinera Mukhamadeeva), which allowed participants to join the magical world of crystals and minerals, as well as learn more about various rock formations of Kyrgyzstan and not only.


Last Updated on Monday, 16 May 2022 14:53



XIV International Conference of Young Scientists and Students «Modern techniques and technologies in scientific research» - 2022

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Every year, starting from 2009, on the basis of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek, the International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Modern Techniques and Technologies in Scientific Research" is held. The year of 2022 is not the exception - from April 27 to April 29, 2022, more than 70 young scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia met within the framework of this Conference.

The main goals pursued by the organizers of the event are to increase the level of scientific research and expand the scientific horizons of young scientists and students, the integration of science and education, the development of creative activity of scientific youth, as well as the popularization of scientific research conducted at the Research Station of RAS.


Last Updated on Friday, 13 May 2022 14:57



XIV Youth Conference

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Dear colleagues!

From 27 to 29 of April 2022, on the basis of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) the XIV International Youth Conference “MODERN TECTIQUE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH” will take place.


- The schedule of presentations is set in Bishkek time (KGZ; UTC/GMT +6).

We remind you that the event will be held in a hybrid format (Zoom data for connection to the sessions on the conference working days can be found in the conference program):

April 27 - oral reports (conference hall of RS RAS + Zoom)

April 28 - Oral reports (Zoom only)

April 29 - oral reports (Conference Hall of RS RAS + Zoom) and field trips around RS RAS territory

(Please note that the Scientific Station is located 40 km far from Bishkek. On April 29, a service vehicle will deliver participants from the city to the Scientific Station and back. Information about the place and time of gathering will be published additionally).

Please confirm your intention to participate in the conference to all participants included in the program of the event with reports.
The Organizing Committee recommends to use PowerPoint for presentations to accompany the reports. Time limit for each report - 15 minutes: ~10 minutes report + ~5 minutes discussion and questions to the speaker.

We also inform you that on April 25 (Monday) from 13:00 to 15:00 (KGZ; UTC/GMT +6) a TEST CONNECTION will be organized, where all participants, if desired/necessary, can try to run their presentation, check the sound and video settings. Use the following information to connect to the test meeting:

Time: Aptil 25? 2022, from 13:00 tо 15:00 (KGZ; UTC/GMT +6)

Zoom-reference: https://zoom.us/j/93399380591?pwd=Y09qZnpsTmxXTkp0N3pPYVN3N0ZiZz09

Conference ID: 933 9938 0591

Access code: 891236

!!! Please use your real personal information (First Name and Last Name) when connecting.
Best regards,
Olga Zabinyakova
Academic Secretary of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek
+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 April 2022 13:02


Results of the functioning of CCU of IGR in 2021

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   The Center for Collective Use "Integrated Geodynamic Research" (CCU IGR) on the basis of the RS RAS was created on April 2017.

   Center for Collective Use of IGR conducts researches in the field of seismology, space geodesy, magneto-telluric sounding. Appropriate equipment is available for these studies. The telemetry system for the collection and processing of seismic data KNET operates in real time. There is a network of 10 permanent GPS stations, including 2 stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) international network. Data is collecting via Internet channels, radio modems, telephone modems. Geophysical surveys are being carried out on the territory of the Central Asian GPS network. The base organization carries out precision GPS, linear angle and leveling measurements.

   The Center for Collective Use of IGR offers access to the database of the magneto-telluric sounding, to seismological databases, to a continuous stream of seismological data in real time, to raw GPS data in real time, to daily raw GPS data, to data of long-term GPS measurements in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

   The Center for Collective Use of the IGR participates in the activities monitoring, reflecting its results on the http://ckp-rf.ru/auth/ website in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. There are 628 registered centers for various purposes in Russia now. Annual competition for users and CCU support money is fierce.

   On 2021 year 13 scientific works were published and 1 dissertation of the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences was defended based on the use of the equipment of the Center for Collective Use of IGR.

   On 2021 the CCU IGR had 3 external users. Data of KNET was transmitted to the Ministry of Defense Special Control Service of the Russian Federation, Dubna city and the Institute for Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. GPS data was transmitted to the University NAVSTAR Consortium (UNAVCO), Boulder.


The leader of the Center

for Collective Use IGR                                                                     Dudinskih R.

Last Updated on Friday, 01 April 2022 09:53


XIV Youth Conference

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Dear colleagues!

This is a reminder that from 27 to 29 of April, 2022, on the basis of Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city the International Youth Conference “MODERN TECTIQUE AND TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH” will take place. The detailed information on this event is on the site http://mmk.gdirc.kg/, where the registration of participants and reports submission to the Collection of Conference materials. Please, take a note, that the deadline for application submission   - till the 1st of April, 2022 (this deadline is final).


Section «Complex geological and physical research of seismically active regions” includes the reports on methods and new software used for geoenvironment and ionosphere monitoring, and on results of their application, as well as repots on geoinformational systems of any kinds.

Section «Natural and man-made hazards» include reports on prevalence and features of manifestation of seismotectonic processes, landslides and rural-flood phenomena in Central Asia. This section also contains reports on man-made hazards associated with the operation of reservoirs and mining in earthquake-prone arears.

Section «Interdisciplinary reports» is divided into two subsections:

«Mechanics» – includes reports on solving complex and dynamic problems in various areas of modern mechanics;

«Interdisciplinary reports» – includes reports of formulation and solution of problems of mathematics modeling of physical, economic and other processes, as well as on modern methods and technologies used in the processing of various types of data.


Hybrid format: oral (of-line and on-line) and poster (of-line) report 

Russian and English


  • Rise of scientific research level and widening of scientific horizons of young scientists, specialists, postgraduates students, masters and students;
  • Integration of science and education;
  • Development of young scientists creativity;
  • Popularization of scientific research of RS RAS.

The PUBLICATION of the Proceedings is expected by September 2022. The Proceedings of the Conference are registered in the Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic and also indexed in the RSCI information-analytical system (https://elibrary.ru/).

First Circular

Request to materials processing

Mentor response

Template are attached


!!! Students, postgraduate students and young scientists under 39 years of age are invited to participate in the Conference.

Participation in the Conference is free of charge.

Please, chare this announcement with you colleagues and friends.

All the best,

Olga Zabinyakova

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

+996 (312) 61-31-40

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 March 2022 15:12


To the Day of Russian Science

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   Traditionally, the 8th of February is celebrated as the Day of Russian Science - a holiday dedicated to the date of Russian Academy of Sciences foundation by Emperor Peter I in 1724. On the eve of such important date for the entire Russian scientific community, the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) sums up the results of 2021. 


   In 2021, according to the Long-term Program of Fundamental Scientific Research in the Russian Federation (2021-2030), the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek city (RS RAS) carried out research in the following areas:
Area of ​​scientific knowledge: 1. Natural sciences
Direction of science: 1.5. Earth sciences

Direction of fundamental and exploratory scientific research

Section of fundamental and exploratory scientific research




1.5.1. Geophysics Geophysical methods for studying the structure, material composition of the earth's interior and deep processes; interaction of geospheres

The study of deep structure of the Tien Shan and surrounding areas using a set of geophysical methods to determine the relationship between the transfer of matter-energy in the Earth's crust and upper mantle with the spatial and temporal distribution of seismicity

Anatoly Rybin


1.5.2. Tectonics and Geodynamics Neotectonics and modern geodynamic processes

The study of modern Earth's crust movements in Central Asia by using space geodesy tools

Sergei Kuzikov


1.5.1. Geophysics Study and forecasting of catastrophic phenomena (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis); seismic, volcanic and tsunami hazard assessments

Study of geodynamic, seismic and geophysical processes as the basis for earthquake prediction (including modeling of inelastic processes in seismogenic zones)

Vladimir Sychev


1.5.12. Metrology and digitalization in Earth sciences.  Development of equipment and methods for remote sensing of the Earth, including new measurement and data processing systems

Development of hardware and software tools and fundamentals of technology for electromagnetic monitoring of geodynamic processes in seismically active zones and assessment of their hazards

Vladimir Bobrovsky

Based on the results of research in 2021, two most important results were obtained:

1. The geoelectric structure of the Son-Kul depression zone and its mountainous framing (Central Tien Shan) was determined;

2. For the territory of the Tien Shan, the general agreed directions of main horizontal deformation axes and their differences by the regions based on GPS methods and seismotectonic deformations were assessed.

Last Updated on Monday, 31 January 2022 13:24



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Geographic location

40 km. from Bishkek